Livewire’s “No Surprises” Policy

Livewire is committed to completing your project at the price we provided to you from the start.  Also, we know that no one likes unpleasant surprises, especially when it comes to finances, so we created this policy to make you aware of the events that often result in a price increase during a new installation. Finally, we believe in open and honest communication, and believe it our duty to inform you ahead of time about those situations that may cause an increase to the final price of a project.

Here are the most frequent instances that may increase the price of a project:

  1. We are unable to gain timely access to the home, business, or specific areas of the home/business during any part of our scheduled installation.
  2. Installation areas, such as crawl spaces, attics, or closets, are inaccessible or deemed unsafe.
  3. Fire blocking or other hidden in-wall obstructions prevent or delay wire fishing or other related installation services.
    Note: Access holes may need to be cut in walls or ceiling to run wiring. Livewire will not be responsible for the application of patching compound, sanding, or painting. Livewire will, upon request, provide a quote for the repairs from a licensed and insured repair company.
  4. Existing  devices and/or wiring are deemed defective, improperly configured, or incompatible with new system hardware.
  5. Integrating customer-owned equipment takes longer than anticipated.
  6. Additional programming or personalization is requested beyond the initial agreement.
  7. TV, internet, and/or phone services are not active or the associated hardware (i.e. cable boxes, router, etc.) is not installed or delivered prior to Livewire’s scheduled installation date.
    Note: If the service provider is not able to activate the applicable services, it is the customer’s responsibility to notify Livewire’s project coordinator at 804-937-9001 ext. 3 before 5 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled installation date.
  8. A customer provided network presents complications, delays, or the inability to complete our installation.
  9. Customer provided contractors delay Livewire’s installation schedule.
  10. Customer is not present at the time of project completion for user training and project sign-off.

What’s included in Shipping & Handling + Parts?

  1. Manufacturer Shipping Charges
  2. Safe Product Storage & Handling Until Installation
  3. On-Site Product Delivery
  4. Proper Disposal & Recycling of Packaging
  5. Recycling of Old TV’s and/or Other Electronics
  6. Incidental parts necessary for completing your project including, but not limited to:
    1. Drill Bits
    2. Zip Ties
    3. Booties
    4. Glow Rods
    5. Hardware
    6. Terminal Ends